When? 28 June 2024
Where? Riken room, Biotech II, 6 Avenue du Swing, Belval Campus

See you there!

Important to know

1. Participation to the event includes the mandatory presentation of a poster with a 2-minute elevator pitch talk
2. You will receive 0.5 ECTS upon participation in the PhD day
3. No need to print your poster! This year, we are innovating with the presentation of an ePoster!


Welcome to the University of Luxembourg Life Sciences PhD Day 2024, an annual scientific gathering organized by PhD students, for PhD students.

This year, we’re shaking things up! Every student who registers, will have to prepare a two-minute elevator pitch for their poster, which will be presented on stage to everyone. This means, no printed posters, but digital documents instead. The most compelling poster presentations stand a chance to win an exciting prize! The winners will be voted exclusively from the students!

This dynamic event also features keynote scientific talks delivered by distinguished international experts, delving into their latest research breakthroughs across diverse fields, including Nursing, Cancer, and Neuroscience. Our primary goal is to cultivate scientific curiosity, fuel discussions, spark innovative ideas, and lay the groundwork for new collaborations. To be a part of this exciting event, you can register HERE, following the guidelines. After registering, you can submit your poster HERE.

We also want to encourage 1st year PhD students to participate! Your poster doesn’t necessarily need to showcase results, but it could instead focus on a technique you have optimized. For those who have only recently started, the poster could describe the project and the techniques you plan to use to approach your scientific questions.

So, register to not miss out the fun! We hope to see you all there!


Scientific Talks

Poster Presentations



Computational Biology

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